April Athlete of the Month

Girl's Lax - Suri Horner
Suri has been a dynamic and versatile player for us this month. She has scored and assisted in 8 of 9 games so far. As a midfield specialist she is utilized in transition to secure possession on attack and there hasn’t been a single defender so far that can keep up with her. She rarely ever tires and can always be heard communicating positively on and off the field. Even though it isn’t her role, she’s gotten caught on defense and excelled at the position despite rarely practicing it. Against Holy Cross she had a career high 7 points (2 goals and 5 assists) which proves how unselfish and important she is on attack. She is a leader without the title and consistently goes above and beyond for her team and to better herself. She earned player of the game in our win vs Eastern and continues to show up everyday with the desire to improve from the day before.