Class of 2028 Freshmen
Welcome to Cinnaminson High School! The next four years will be a very rewarding yet challenging experience. Please refer to the freshman year planning calendar for suggestions on how to make your high school experience as successful as possible. High school is the time when you will be determining your post-secondary academic and career plans. If you are not sure what you would like to do when you graduate or need some direction in making decisions about a possible college major or career choice, please log on to Naviance Student. This is an excellent tool and valuable resource.
Your school counselor is another excellent resource for any academic or future career information. Your counselor will be scheduling an appointment with you in the fall to see how your transition to the high school begins. In the meantime, and any other time you have any questions regarding your academic, personal, and/or social pursuits, please stop by the Counseling Office to schedule an appointment with your school counselor.
Please note: The transition to high school often requires students to adjust their study habits to meet the increasing demand of high school level courses. The website below “How to Study” provides useful study tips.
Please check below for these valuable documents!
Freshman Year Planning Calendar
Useful Website Links
How to Study
Naviance Student
Registering for the SAT and Researching Colleges
Registering for the ACT
Pre- Free Application for Federal Student Aid Estimation Tool
NJ Higher Education Student Assistance Authority
Scholarship Website
Scholarship Website
National College Athletic Association
Researching Careers